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Para Tipo de inmueble ¿En que ciudad desea buscar?

Fabulous Opportunity on Taboga

4 hectares of pristine forest just above the town of Taboga. Great view of the harbour and the city of Panama and the entrance to the Panama Canal. Panama is experiencing an economic boom unprecedented in its history. This property has great potential as a resort or as a nice retirement spot. Taboga is going through a renaissance as homes are quickly being purchased and renovated and the main avenue that runs through town continues to show signs of ongoing growth as small shops and restaurants begin to show up. The town is historical, it's where Franciso Pizarro and Diego de Almagro sailed their ships south in search of El Dorado...the City of Gold in 1526. The house where Pizarro spent his last few weeks still stands where it did Avenida de Pizarro. The island of Taboga is a lush paradise, pristine, untouched, waiting for the adventuresome to discover its historic hills and shores. As more and more international tourism comes to the island both via yachts and the ferries that run all day from Panama City, people are taking notice of this little tropical paradise. The ships in the picture are waiting to enter the Canal. Taboga boasts the finest on-land view of the logistical and financial hub of the western hemisphere, retirement capital of the Americas....Panama City. The 4 hectare property is located just above the town, a ten minute walk to the beach and has water, electric and broadband access. The attached picture from far above the town shows the property just left of the ridge. Pure, untouched, virgin rainforest, gently sloping down from the road above the property. The neighbor to the south has the finest ranch on Taboga, kindly envied by the local townspeople. Plats provided upon request from interested parties.

Detalles del Inmueble

Precio:1.750.000 Dolares Tamaño: 40000 m²

Inmuebles relacionados a este anuncio

Terreno Titulado en Cerro Azul 1 HA B/. 75.000 0 hab. 0 bañ. 10000 m² Terreno - Venta
Terreno en Cumbres del Norte B/. 65.000 0 hab. 0 bañ. 1000 m² Terreno - Venta
Vendo terreno de 309 mts cuadrados con vivienda B/. 110.000 0 hab. 0 bañ. 309 m² Terreno - Venta
Lote en Chame Bejuco por Comasa por la Delta US$ 25.000 0 hab. 0 bañ. 541 m² Terreno - Venta
Rio Abajo, Terreno Ideal Para Construcción De Galera... B/. 480.000 0 hab. 0 bañ. 832 m² Terreno - Venta
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Contacto: Tom Zinn

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